Wednesday 27 August 2014

Diva Challenge 182 - Stripes!

A return to stripes for the Diva this week. Laura says its been a challenge before but it's not one I remember so a new one for me.

I like doing stripes of tangles so enjoyed this very much and kept it simple.

I used a favourite - Ditto - plus a new one A-fog and one that I learnt for the Wacky Challenge that begins with a 'V'...will have to go and look it up because I can't remember the name! Aha! I was right - it is Voga. (Knew it was V!) Plus some little criss-crossing stripes in the top left hand corner - a Zentangle method rather than a specific pattern.

I have joined the Square One facebook group that shares only 'pure' Zentangle tiles - no colour, a 3.5" square tile and abstract Zentangles, not ZIAs. I have really enjoyed focusing on the basics again and all my 'tiles' (hand drawn usually as I don't have any tiles cut or available at the moment and getting hold of original Zentangle tiles is beyond my budget...) are the right dimensions. It has been both more restricting and more liberating at the same time - something that drew me to Zentangle in the first place...and if that sounds a bit odd to the uninitiated, then I suppose you could argue that it includes at least fifty shades of gray....

And I include another, tongue-in-cheek, take on 'Stripes'. I was thinking that the most stripey thing I could think of was a Zebra...and so drew a tile that is restricted to just Zedbra stripes but viewed through/in liberating little circles. I enjoyed my own joke but wish I'd been able to make the tile look just as I wanted - I've seen others get the effect I was searching for but it's something I shall have to practice.

Do check out the other entries to the challenge on the Diva's blog - and thanks to Laura for constant inspiration!


  1. You have achieved a lot of depth in your first tile and I like your little round zebras. Glad you have joined the Facebook group. I think it is a good idea to remember what Zentangle really is all about sometimes.

    1. Love the new group, Jean! Thank you for this lovely feedback. Ax

  2. I like both tiles and really like Zedbra. It's one of the tangles I have problems with.

    1. Thank you! I didn't quite get the effect I wanted with Zedbra but it is quite a dramatic tangle. Ax

  3. some nice stripes here. I do like the zedbra little balls!

    1. Thank you, Kia. I rather like the idea of Zedbra balls, though that wasn't quite what I was aiming for! Ax

  4. Both are beautiful and different from each other. It's a good thing to go 'back to basic zentangle' from time to time.

    1. Yes, Anne, I am really enjoying the back to basics thing. Ax

  5. There is a lot to be said for classical! Elegant work with all one million shades of grey. I am drawn to pure zesntangle for same reason. I will check out the FB group.

    1. It's a really great group - will look out for you there. Axxx

  6. Your first tile has such a nice flow and the second is such fun. Great ideas.

    1. Thanks you, Susan. I'm a great fan of 'Ditto' by Sue Jacobs - it always gives depth to a tile. Axxx

  7. Lovely Tile. Love the Cris-Cross Stripes and the shading of your design. Your Zedbra spheres are awesome. Great idea. Beautiful work.

    1. Thank you so much, David - Zedbra spheres sounds so much more refined than balls....Ax

  8. Good job! I like both, especially the elegant first one.

  9. Love the 3D effect on the first tile, I like to add some colour so think I'll look up this FB group too, it will focus my mind on black and white. The Zedbra tile is great fun :) Linda

    1. The FB group is growing from strength to strength and I am recognising some familiar names and work styles - I'll be watching for you too Linda. Axx

  10. Love your first tile. Like the dimension/rounding that you achieved.

    1. As I keep saying, Donald, the shading is so much fun for me so I love to try and get depth. Thanks for commenting on it. Axxx

  11. Both are very lovely! Especially I like the first one. It´s so delicate!

    1. They are quite different, aren't they? I like the first on best too. Axxx

  12. Very nice; the second looks like yummy boiled sweeties!

    1. Thanks Sal! Boiled sweets sounds better than Zedbra balls, I think! Axxx

  13. Love the first tile; and the second one is fun.

    1. Thanks Audrie - the second one was definitely meant to be fun! Axxx

  14. Your art is always lovely, Annie! I love the delicate feel of the first, and the bold "stripes" of the second! Both are wonderfully drawn! I am so glad you joined the FaceBook group... (I am there too!) I also love that it is rooted in the basics of Zentangle.

    1. Yes, Holly - great to see you on the FB group. Thank you for your kind words, I think you know that I think your work is really special! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax