Saturday 10 January 2015

Diva 199 - Hitched!

Well it seems like a long time, no post and we're already a good week into 2015 - but HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. Hope you've all had a peaceful and good Christmas and that the new year has had a good start for you. Not quite true for the whole world over, but I live in hope that one day we will learn to live together. Spread the Zentangle word. It's such a force for friendship, creativity and is so often motivated by love and the need to feel 'centred'.

I haven't been idle, these past few weeks despite no posts. Just so you don't have to look at ALL that I've been doing - it would take an age - I've just popped a few things on here as much to remind me of the time as anything. And without further ado, I will post first my tangle for the Diva's lovely Challenge this new year. I was so pleased to see Laura's family looking happy and relaxed - and rather snowy! I hope all continues well this year. This week, it's a UMT by HeidiSue called Hitch...apparently a celtic knot gone 'wrong' - but in true tangler style, Heidi Sue created something new and different from her original intention - that's the way to do it!

I chose to put it in my tile using 'Romancy' as the string. I saw this recently on Facebook and thought it was too long since I used this effect myself. You'll see how I used it again on one of my hearts...

The little bit of colour comes from some new glitter pens I got for Christmas! I can't resist using them.
 Also here, I am sharing a joint entry to the Square One: Purely Zentangle page on Facebook, that is very popular with tanglers - I recognise lots of names here. This week it's the wonderful 'Nzeppel' as ONE tangle but I've used it as an opportunity to support another version of 'Hitch' as my Diva entry uses it in a very simplified form. Rather like the Diva's own 'Boo*kee', Hitch lends itself to many variations and tanglations. I shall keep working on it!

And here is a small selection of my latest hobby - tangling and decorating on wood. I made some Christmas trees and gift labels and now I'm onto hearts. (These are just a few of them!)

I have a little shopofront on Etsy - where I used to mainly sell my chocolates and cards - which is now showing some of my wooden pieces but as yet, I haven't had chance to upload everything...take a peek if you're interested.

My shop is called La Casa Rosales, which is the name of my house.

 This is a link but I don't know if it works if you're not signed in to Etsy, which not everyone wants to be! It would be nice to see a few 'views' and maybe to be favourite of far, I've had no traffic as I haven't quite finished doing everything and haven't promoted it.

I will also be selling my wares locally at the little craft fairs that are held here from time to time but somehow, I suspect I won't have to give up my day job! How I wish there were more hours in the day.

I also finished a seahorse from one of Ben Kwok's amazing templates and I have framed and hung it in my kitchen where it looks lovely! So happy with this - and such fun to do.

Sorry about the strange grey area down the side which happened when I was scanning real life it's not visible.

I am resisting temptation to post more of what I've been doing over Christmas but will spare you! I need to make time to do this week's String Thing and this is, after all, the Diva Challenge post! 

Looking forward to seeing what others have posted this week. Axxx

P.S. Thought I'd share my String Thing tangle now I've managed to finish it. I used Lealad and Kiss and I really recommend checking out the other entries, using the same tangles and string, as each one is so very different. It's fascinating. Look for it on Tickled to Tangle some time on Tuesday 13th...later rather than earlier if you're in Europe. 


  1. Wow - Your first Hitch tile is amazing! I love all of your work. Very creative

    Happy Tangling,

  2. Just gorgeous works of art! The seahorse especially blew me away. Good luck with your ventures!

    1. You're a darling, Zoe, thank you! The template for the seahorse is the real star! Axxx

  3. All so very beautiful and the seahorse ....... gorgeous. I can use the link to your etsy shop and like what I see there. I am thinking of selling my pendants by putting them on my blog.
    I hope 2015 will bring you love and light and you I would like a magic wand and make people wanting to live in peace with each other.

    1. Thank you Annemarie! Would that we could have such a magic wand....Axxx

  4. All are wonderful! Especially I like your adorable seahorse!

    1. Many thanks, LonettA, although I can't claim full credit for the seahorse you know. Axxx

  5. Nice work on your tiles. Like the color and Romanacy in the first and really like the depth in the last one,

    1. Thank you so much, Donald - you really do 'look'. I was trying hard to achieve depth so am so appreciative of your comment. Axxx

  6. Your tiles are great. Like the wood items. I liked your shop and started following you on Etsy. Good luck with your shop.

    1. Thank you JL - you are one of an extremely exclusive bunch in following my Etsy shop! I have a local outlet where I think I will have more luck but it feel rather nice to have a 'shop' too! Axx

  7. Love your work! that seahorse is so cute. The first Hitched tile is JUST stunning. I immediately thought of a tablecloth of my gramma's. Just spiffy!


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax