Tuesday 31 March 2015

Diva Challenge 211 - Flux

This week, the Diva has had to put Artoo and his health first and here's hoping he's feeling better very soon.

However, we were not left without a Challenge - she's good - and we were sent off to investigate the 'Fluxes' of Rick and Maria. Interestingly, I think they are two very different patterns, not even tanglations of the same thing but for some reason, they bear the same name.

I took the basic shape of each as my string and tangled the two different shapes inside their string counterpart. Personally, I much prefer Rick's version, and I think you can tell on my tangle but it's nice to have options!!

Take care Artoo and family. I know you look after each other so very well. Hugs from Spain.



  1. I so agree, Annie. I see Maria's as almost a Mooka. Bu,t I love Mooka so that's okay. I love how you have a few pieces that have escaped. Very nice work!

    1. Thanks Jean! The two are very different, don't you agree? And yes, Mooka in any form is lovely and this Flux is both very Maria and very Mooka! Axxx

  2. Hm... funny! I didn't even know that there are two ways to draw Flux till this Newsletter!
    I'm not sure why but I really thought that those two different Flux-ways are just something personal. Something someone draws a little different for no reason. Maybe I should pay more attention?
    Nevertheless I like your tile very much. It shows that both styles are in the en the same and I love that you even used Flux as a string!

    1. Neither did I! Thank you for your comments. I understand that only just recently Flux has been published...so how could we know?

  3. What a delicious way to treat this challenge. I notice most people have a preference for one over the other, i wonder if there is a psychology to this.

    1. Thank you JL...what an interesting question...I don't know the answer but there must be something that makes us prefer one to the other. Axxx

  4. Great minds...I also used both versions of Flux as my string but I put each version in it's own string shape. And I also like Rick's version better. Love your tile :)

    1. Aha, I like your style too! Thank you. Axxx

  5. Love your way of taking this challenge by using both versions as a string, filling them with them complimentary version. Looks great.

    1. Thanks Didisch - it was a lovely and really quite simple challenge to do. Axxx

  6. I like the tile with both Fluxes in it a lot, Annie. Well done.

    1. Thank you Annemarie. I certainly think you can tell that I preferred Rick's version - with hindsight, I would have done the Maria version with a bit more consideration. Axxx

  7. How clever, to fill a Maria flux shape with Rick flux, and filling the Rick flux shape with Maria flux leaves. The tile has a swirly feel to it that I like a lot.

    1. Thank you HeidiSue - it was nice to use the two shapes as the string. I think it worked quite well. Axxx

  8. I like the way you used both styles of flux. They work well together, especially the few that are trying to sneak away:-)

    1. Thanks Suzanne - there are always a few that try to escape! Axxx

  9. Nice choice to use the patterns as a string! I prefer Rick's Flux too ;-)

    1. Thanks Ilse...I honestly didn't know about the two versions until this challenge. There's always something new to learn. Axxx

  10. This made me smile, lots of movement!

    1. Thank you Gloria! So glad it made you smile. Axxx

  11. Unique to use the tangle as the string. I like the shaking.

    1. I do hope this is a typo, Donald, and that what you like is the shading...I had to go back and look to see if I had included some shaking, but not, not on this one! Thank you ! Axxx

  12. what a pretty piece - elegantly drawn and I like how you made large Flux as the strings.

    1. Thank you, Sue. I didn't feel it was such a creative thing to do at the time but I'm pleased how it turned out. Axxx

  13. Love how you used the Flux as both string and fill - brilliant!

    1. Thank you so much, Antonine. Flux is one of the first I ever drew in Zentangle but it's a shape that I've used a lot in my doodles - Rick's version, that is. Axxx

  14. I really like the way you have given us both variants and that we can see the differences. In fact, the more I look at it, the more I like it. I'm going to have to try it myself and see which one comes more easily to me. Thank you for setting me off, I was going to miss this week because we've been away but now...

    1. Ooh, thank you so much for this lovely comment. There is so much that's inspiring out there, it's a privilege to be a part of it! Axxx

  15. Yes, I agree, and said the same...I think they should come up with a different name for each one, because they are very different tangles. LOVE how you showcased Rick's inside of Maria's and vice versa...clever clever!!!

    1. Thanks Lynell. To me they seem very different - there are tangles that are more similar that have different names...but what the heck! It's been a lovely challenge. Axxx

  16. I love the way you have used the tangles as your string and filled them with the opposite Flux. What a wonderfully unique take on the challenge. Great work!

    1. Thank you so much! I didn't think I would be particularly unique in choosing the outline as the string but it does seem to have worked well. Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax