Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Diva Challenge 219 and Square One - focus tangle, Purk!

Hello again! How the weeks fly by. Loved Laura's running story and the 10k 'STOP' sign! I just wish someone could tell me it would be OK to stop from time to time.....

I won't bore you with the details but my trials this week involve making a teapot costume for my daughter's performance in the school play. They are doing 'Beauty and the Beast' and Romy is Mrs. Potts, the teapot. She has a big singing role and has to look as wonderful as she will sound. I am doing my best and currently sport plasters on my thumb, index and middle fingers in recognition of the work I am putting in behind the scenes!! Makes tangling difficult.

Fortunately, it was a 'straight lines only' challenge on the Diva's blog. Not sure it makes any difference, actually, but I'm prepared to think it might have proved more difficult with some curves to negotiate with my bandaged fingers. It took me a few minutes to remember that one of my own tangles could feature - Skwirl is all straight lines, but with some nifty shading, it gives a subtle hint at circles. I teamed it with Steps, by Helen Williams, and Paradox with an assymetrical nod at Florz in the background.

A great challenge - thank you Laura!

In addition, I managed - before the needles took their toll - a couple of tiles for the Facebook page, Square One - Purely Zentangle. I post them here because I gave both tiles away as little tokens of appreciation. One to a colleague who was nominated for a national award in Human Resources - and she made the top ten! The other to my daughter to wish her good luck in her performance next week.

Here they are - I do so love Purk!!

Underwater Purk
Purk with Nzepple, Aquafleur and
aaargh, the name escapes me but it's by Michele Beauchamp...
A new one to me and I love it!
Thanks for looking. Axxx


  1. Pretty impressive for someone suffering as you are. I saw one of the Purks on FB and liked it a lot and the straight line one somehow manages to look freeform and disciplined at the same time. Nice work.

    1. Thank you Margaret - my fingers will begin to heal in just a few hours when I poke the needle in and through for the VERY LAST TIME!!! Then I shall concentrate on some more Zentangle. Axxx

  2. Very nice tiles. I really love the shading on the first one. I hope your fingers are up and dancing again very quickly, and that your daughter has a lovely costume to wear. You should post a picture of her in it for us :)

    1. Fingers much better now, thank you Jean and the play was fantastic. I have loads of photos posted on Facebook if you want to take a look! Axx

  3. Beautiful tiles, Annie!!!! I love the shading in the lines challenge. Succes with the tea pot đŸ˜…

    1. Thank you Annemarie - the teapot was most successful! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax