Friday 14 August 2015

Diva Challenge 230 - Guest blogger, Erin from the Bright Owl

A wonderful union this week, with the Diva's Guest Blogger being Erin Olson of  The Bright Owl and 'Zendala Dare' fame!!

As you may have noticed, I am totally obsessed with Zendalas and Mandalas at the moment, so for me, this wasn't a challenge but another opportunity to continue with my theme. Thank you Erin, thank you Laura!

I needed to do 'busy, busy, busy' for some reason. My children and husband have taken a trip up to visit grandparents in the north of Spain, leaving me with what feels like a lot more hours in the day. Rather than waste these hours on thorough cleaning of bedrooms and other jobs that somehow never get done during the daily routine of looking after three growing children...I concentrated on my Zentangle. As you do. Uninterrupted pleasure!

As sometimes happens, I enjoyed the process of drawing this much more than I like the finished results. I drew the basic template freehand - always a challenge - and just piled lots and lots of little details into it, including six mini zendalas. It doesn't have the coherence of some of the mandalas/zendalas I have drawn myself but still -  Great Fun!

Looking forward to seeing all the different versions that this challenge will, no doubt, have inspired.

Thanks again!


  1. Beautiful zendala! I love the zendalas within the zendala;-)

    1. Thanks Michele - why do one zendala when you can do six...or should that be seven! Axxx

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Donald! It took a while...Axxx

  3. Great variety in your tangles drawn so nicely! Beautiful! Sarah

  4. Absolutely beautiful zendala! Your Mini-zendalas are a wonderful idea!

    1. Thank you LonettA. Always like to get in a mini-zendala if I can. Axxx

  5. Indeed, a great idea, those mini zendala's. I can see that it took quite some time, Annie, but the result is beautiful. Well, enjoy the rest of your (family) vacation :-)

    1. Thank you, Annemarie - they certainly filled quite a big chunk of my day! Enjoying the peace. But will be glad when they're home too! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax