Monday 3 August 2015

Diva Challenge 229 - negative space with guest Sandy Hunter.

Thanks this week to Sandy Hunter, guest blogger over on the Diva's Challenge page. I hope Laura is having a great holiday and enjoying the great challenges that her excellent guests are providing for us.

Good thinking Sandy, is what I say this week. I am currently COMPLETELY obsessed with Zendalas and Mandalas. I think I am drawing them in my sleep and I am so enjoying them. At first, when the challenge popped up in my news feed, I thought - hmmm....not a zendala opportunity, perhaps I'll give it miss...

And then! Guess what, my opportunity presented itself.

My tangle this week is a Zendala with a central negative space! Interestingly, I didn't enjoy it as much as a proper mandala as the best part for me is the development from the centre starting point - but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it at all. No, it was lovely to do, though I did go off the edges a tad.

Thank you Sandy! I'm sure there are going to be some really great entries this week and I do love looking at them all.

Here are some of my recent zendalas - I have been so happy with the results, done on various sizes of canvas, that I took them to be framed. I am going to hang them ALL in my bedroom! Apologies if you've seen them before - I have posted them (and some others!) on Facebook and on my other blog recently....

This one is A4 size and I did it with my micron pens...bad idea!

This is a 20x20cms canvas, painted with acrylic paints and using a permanent black marker and
a variety of gel pens to add gold and white accents. The border I did on BeFunky photo editor.

Also done on a painted 20x20cms canvas - much more Zentangle in this. The lady who is framing
them was very taken with this one!
This one isn't quite finished - I'm going to paint around the outside of the zendala - it is still white
although it looks sort of duck egg blue here. I will try and 'tidy' the edges of the original
painted part...but any suggestions gratefully received about how best to finish it. It's on a 30x30 canvas, so I'm going bigger! I have also bought a 50x50 canvas to do before the end of the summer!

And whilst out shopping, I saw this material and HAD to buy some. I now have two gorgeous cushions on my sofa and may have to buy time, I'll pick a more photogenic spot to show them off...


  1. beautiful zendalas! I love your challenge tile!!

    1. Lol! Your comment appeared three times so I really do know you like my tile! (I deleted the other two.)
      Thank you Sandy,

  2. Wow, no wonder you had then framed they are marvellous. Good think with the negative space too.

    1. Thank you - it's strangely scary, picking out the right frame. I haven't got them back yet and I'm hoping they'll look OK. Axxx

  3. J'aime beaucoup la forme de la zone blanche centrale. le deuxième et le quatrième zendalas sont ceux que je préfère!
    I love the shape of the central white area. the second and fourth zendalas are the ones I prefer!

    1. Merci beaucoup, Christine! The white space is quite an Arabic shape and is all around me here in Andalucia.

  4. Your mandalas are gorgeous. The one with the orange and ochres reminds me of an Indian bedspread like the ones we all used to have during the 1960's---and maybe even into the 1970's, now that I think about it. Having visited Turkey a few months ago, I can definitely see the Arabic influence in your negative space tile.

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I love those Indian bedspreads and still have something similar on my bed right now! We're surrounded by inspiration here, as you know, and the mandalas are just so good to draw.

  5. Wonderful work to display in your home! Your challenge piece is really nice as well!

    1. Thank you Jean - I am excited to see them, collecting tomorrow. Glad you like my challenge piece too. Axxx

  6. Your mandalas are all very nice, but I do like the negative space in the first one. It seems like someplace to store the intentions whilst tangling it.

    1. What a very inspirational thought, Charlotte - I love it! Thank you so much. Axxx

  7. Your zendalas are gorgeous! And your diva tile is quite striking with the contrast!

    1. Thank you Yukari - it was a good idea this week and worked well with my zendala obsession! Axxx

  8. I love the first canvas print! It's beautiful.

    1. Thank you Stephanie. It ruined a few pens but I learnt a lot from doing it! Axxx

  9. Oh, Annie, I LOVE your zendala's (all of them). The challenge one is fantastic, LOVE it!!!

    1. Thank you Annemarie! Your enthusiasm is really appreciated!! Axxx

  10. The zendalas were gorgeous. The diva one turned out great! Love the idea! Sarah.

    1. Thank you Sarah. I´ve just got them back from the picture framer and I am so pleased with them. Glad you like the Diva one too. Axxx

  11. So many fantastic zendalas! The colouring is fabulous! I like your challenge zendala, too. You had a fine idea for it.

    1. Thanks so much, LonettA. I don´t do colour often but have really enjoyed how these zendalas have turned out...I may do more! Axxx

  12. Your Diva tile is fantastic and your Zendalas...all I can say is "Wow!!!"

    1. So kind, Michele. Thank you so much. Axxx

  13. Beautiful work! I especially love the highly tangled one on the background of many colors--simply gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Karen, the many coloured background one is the first one I tried and it was so difficult because I used my micron pens...and ruined many of them. Now I have some different pens and I think I´ll try the multi coloured background again. Axxx

  14. Good idea to do a Zendala and leave the centre open! All of your Zendala's are lovely and intricate!

    1. Thank you Sue. I had no choice - can't stop doing the zendalas...Axx

  15. Great body of work. Your challenge tile is a nice use of negative space and the colors in your Zendalas are beautiful. You have been busy.

    1. Indeed I have, Donald - and thank you for your kind words. Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax