Tuesday 29 September 2015

Diva Challenge 237 - Charlotte Carpentier guest post

I was a bit wary when I read the Diva's challenge this week, although, it's a challenge from Charlotte really. At first, I wasn't quite sure if I could do it. Inks? Spray? Stencil? Very much a challenge!

But I'm game, if nothing else, so I scoured my shelves and discovered a bottle of Newton and Windsor ink that is 19 years old. Seriously, I remember buying it in El Corte Ingles - a Spanish department store - in Malaga, during the year that I spent on sabbatical with my now husband, Cesar, in 1996. I spent a lot of time doing calligraphy during my year away from work and recently, in a box long unopened from our more recent move to Spain, I rediscovered both my pens and this cute little bottle of ink.

Task one achieved. Now to find a stencil.

I searched high and low for something suitable and bingo! on my daughter's bookshelf, I found a little book that I'd bought her a few years ago, with a 'spirograph' (remember those?) pattern maker inside. It never worked as well as the real Spirograph did and it's a long time since it had been taken from the shelf. However, I found a stencil - mission accomplished! Well, the second part anyway. Final part - something to spray my ink with.

I eventually found an old spray bottle - actually one that had contained a natural flea repellent that I had bought when I was convinced my dog had fleas. It turns out he hadn't but something was biting me....I never found out what it was but at least the bites have stopped. You don't need to know this really, but when I say this was a challenge, you need to know that it really was!

A careful wash and rinse later, I prepared my ink mix and opened my sketch pad.

And sprayed....

Rather more ink came out than I'd expected.....and not exactly where I'd expected either.

But I had my stencil. I traced around a tile placed around the inked stencil. And then began my tangle. Phew!

And I enjoyed it - thank you Charlotte - in the end, I am pleased with my tile and pleased with the process that I went through to do it. During my challenge hunt, I found a box of old ink stamps - mostly quite dry and unusable, but I added a couple of 'stamps' to the final tile, to soften rather froggy green of my ink. Not very subtle, but I rather like it.

Tangles used include Flux, Rixty, Printemps (a single one) Meer, Shattuck, Banderola, Paradox, Bunzo, Betweed, Crescent Moon and Hamail. And a little bit of Tipple.

So once again, thanks for a great challenge, Laura and Charlotte. Check out the other entries here, which is exactly what I am going to do just now!


  1. Lovely result :-) And you've inspired me to dig out my calligraphy paraphernalia sometime soon too! :-)

    1. Thanks Rosie - I enjoyed getting my calligraphy stuff out but I'm very out of practice... Axxx

  2. I love your write up of the experience. And your result is super cool. Thanks for letting me push your boundaries!

    1. THank you Charlotte - I love a challenge!! Axxx

  3. Beautiful result, not too much ink in my opinion ;-)

    1. Thank you Ilse....although you couldn't see the 'off camera' ink!! Axxx

  4. Isn't it wonderful when you find something you'd forgotten you had and it is suddenly useful again? All that effort was definitely worth while, don't you think? Your finished tile looks great and you now know you have another string to your bow. Excellent.

    1. Really worthwhile, Margaret. Glad you like my finished tile - I'm getting more confident with colour and the green ink helped! Axxx

  5. I see what you mean about the flea reference-----great minds. :) This challenge had me rummaging around the house as well looking for supplies. It's great that you had a little trip down memory lane and that you bought your ink in Spain---one of my favorite places to visit. I was in Barcelona and the Costa Brave in April/May and we'll be in Madrid (and maybe Cordoba) in December. You certainly managed to incorporate a good number of good tangles. Very nice.

    1. Great minds indeed! I know you like Spain. It would be amazing to meet up one day if at all possible. Madrid and 'maybe' Cordoba sounds a brilliant idea for December - I'm sure you'll have a ball. Look out for some Windsor and Newton green ink, won't you?

  6. I like the fact that you took us through the whole process, it brought a smile on my face. I like that, especially early in the morning :-)
    I also like (third one) what you did on this 'tile' and love the colors.

    1. Glad to have brought a smile to your face, Annemarie. Thank you, Axxx

  7. Wonderful idea and beautiful tile!

    1. It was a good challenge and I enjoyed it very much. Thanks. Axxx

  8. Beautiful tile! I like the green ink and I like your choice of tangles!

  9. Annie, love the green ink. Can you post the other wedding pebble you made? These are really lovely. Can you also post what supplies you use. It looks like a fun family project.

  10. I know we've all moved on to new challenges, but once on your blog site, I just had to keep reading. When we did this challenge, I wasn't able to visit all the responses. I'm so glad I found this one! I laugh about you digging out the ancient art supplies (I never get rid of things either. They seem precious and exotic somehow). What a jewel of a find in that green ink! I love the entire process - a flea spray bottle?? Excellent! The finished tile is so very lovely! You have such a beautiful style of making every element a little star all its own. Really amazing!


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax