Monday 2 May 2016

Diva Challenge 266

The Diva has some gorgeous pictures on her blog this week, of her boys doing lovely creative things. And at the same time, she manages to inspire a larger host of people across the world. That deserves some big appreciation. Thank you Laura - you are most appreciated!

As this is the first Monday of the month - and the 1st Monday of May no less, when workers of the world unite - it's the Use My Tangle challenge. We have Henrike Bratz's Cruz, which I have used before as it's such a focussing tangle with lovely depth. I'm heavily into practising Eni Oken's Ruutz at the moment, so here you have my attempt at these two together. I haven't exactly deconstructed Cruz, but I've separated the elements a bit for some contrast.

Very much enjoyed this challenge - thanks again, Laura!

And whilst we're here, I'll share my entry for last week's It's a String Thing - another tile I really enjoyed doing. We've had a little break from work and school this week, so it's been nice to have time to tangle. I may have overdone this one a! Quib with Echoism..echoism...echoism....echoism

Thank you so much for popping by! Axxx


  1. Love the variety of crux that you used in your tile.

  2. Both tiles are great. Nice job!

    1. Thanks Carmela, I wasn't sure about the String Thing one but it's growing on me. Axxx

  3. Nice tiles! Fun to see Ruutz paired with Crux and I love the cones you created for your Quib to flow from/to.

    1. Thank you Jean. The cones are the only bit I like on that second tile...Axxx

  4. Love how you mixed Ruutz with the Diva's challenge. It takes a brave person to tangle those together! I find them to be something I need a lot more practice in.
    Yours is gorgeous. Sarah

    1. I'm nothing if not brave! (Though some call it foolish...) Thank you Sarah! Axxx

  5. Really nice tiles! I like the way you have morphed Crux into a different look thru your tile. Very nice. Crux AND Ruutz are both new to me!

    1. Thanks Patty - I really do like Ruutz and Cruz is just about as different from Ruutz as it is possible to find. Axxx

  6. Very nice, I like them both but my favorite is the one for the Diva. Love how you changed Crux in the middle of the tile!

    1. I think it needed to be changed - and it's a very versatile tangle. Thanks, Axxx

  7. Love your Crux variations!

  8. I'm going to have to try Ruuutz, everyone seems to really make it their own, as you have here. Cruz? Wasn't very successful for me but I like your different ways with it.

    1. I was feeling very Zen the day I did Cruz, Margaret. Today, it would be all over the place...Thank you. Axxx

  9. Beautiful work! I love the composition of you IAST piece;-)

    1. Thanks Michele...I wasn't too sure about that one. Axxx

  10. Both are wonderful! Especially I like your Diva tile with the lovely combination of Crux with Ruutz!

    1. Thanks Annette, they're an unusual combination but I have been really taken with Ruutz and enjoy using it all the time! Axxx

  11. Both tiles are really beautiful! I Love the combination!


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax