Sunday 16 March 2014

Adele Bruno's 'String Thing' Challenge #31

Tomorrow, Monday 17th March, is St Patrick's Day and when Adele set her challenge last week on Tickled to Tangle, it was timed to coincide with this event. It's also the week when Rick Roberts, the co-founder of Zentangle, reaches his 60th birthday - Happy Birthday Rick!

So what could be more appropriate than using a String she created - in a Shamrock shape - and to use Paradox (for Rick) and her own tangle, Lucky?

I gave it my best shot - three times! But as ever, sometimes, it just doesn't work how you imagine it might....
I missed last week's challenge due to being dissatisfied with what I'd done and I didn't want to do the same this week....So - Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone who celebrates it and thanks to Adele for issuing such challenging challenges!!

(I do believe I overdid the shading a tad.....! And quite a few other things too!)


  1. I love this! It's so unique. I particularly like the dark brown ribbons is Aquafleur and the Diva Dance stem.

    1. Thank you Jean - I did so many takes on this one that I have plenty left over for the Diva Challenge....I didn't really like any I did but loved the entries to the String Thing this week - some really interesting takes on a fairly prescriptive challenge. Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax