Sunday 1 June 2014

String Thing 42, 'N' tangles and a Wacky Challenge

This week's String Thing from Adele Bruno on 'Tickled to Tangle' gave us a loopy string to work on, using just the versatile Knightsbridge tangle.

 The string is by Barbara Finwall.

I'd used Knightsbridge earlier in the week in one of my circles - part of the challenge by 'I am the Diva' - and it reminded me what a great pattern it is and how very versatile. I enjoyed doing the challenge but in the end, stuck to fairly simple tanglations....I know others will have taken the pattern to much greater levels and can't wait to see them on Monday evening.
Here's mine - I quite like the 'cleanness' of the this tangle but struggled as nearly all my pens are running out!! Aaargh!

I did buy a replacement yesterday but couldn't find a very fine one - I will have to order one (or more!) online. Still, I enjoyed doing the 'N' tangles for Cheryl's Artful Creations weekly challenge. I used Nzepple, which I always love; Nipa, Navaho, Netting and Nvelope. All a bit 'griddy' but I'm quite pleased with the depth I managed in Nzepple. 

And finally, this week, on the Wacky Zentangle Challenge on Facebook,. we were invited to give Shoshi's 'Y-ful power' tangle a go. It's one of those that seems tricky at first but has a great rhythm to it and the effect is great just on its own. Here's my take - again, on a tan tile.

Thanks for popping by - do leave me a comment if you can. I do appreciate it! 


  1. Loooove the effects in these, particularly the first one! Oh no, Annie, this is a disaster - all of them ran out at once?! Not allowed, not allowed!

    1. What is that wonderful brown paper you used here?

    2. Thank you Zoe - yes, I bought them all at the same time, so there's the logic!! I have some more now, and will stagger my purchases.
      The paper is from England. I can't get Zentangle supplies here very easily but a shop in the UK offered some pre-cut brown card - which is like a Renaissance or tan tile that people use. I have also seen large sheets of uncut brown card in a local school supply shop and I guess I could have bought that and cut it myself. I will do next time!


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax