Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Diva Challenge #161 - Quandary

Our challenge issued by Laura, on IamtheDiva, this week was to see how we all 'do' the tangle 'Quandary'....are we perfectionists, do we use a grid, is it difficult or do we love it? I always thought it was difficult because I am so much of a NON-perfectionist that I am usually very slapdash about it - and often lose the pattern completely.

I like the tangle very much and loved Laura's tile this week - it was as perfect as I can imagine...although I haven't looked at the submissions from everyone else yet! I'm always amazed at the imagination, skill and sheer artistry that results from these challenges.

My own submission this week shows I did put a bit more effort into getting the tangle right...no grid, of course, and a few extra rice grains managed to sneak in where they shouldn't...but it was fun to do and wonderful practice. Maybe there'll be time to have another go!!

I did have time for another go - and again, really enjoyed this one too. I could have perhaps been a little more careful with the 'sparkle' on my big Quandary....my inexperience showing here and a bit of a shaky hand today. But I feel this challenge has really given me the opportunity to practice a very versatile tangle. Thank you!


  1. Your Quandary is lovely. If I could do it that evenly, I wouldn't use a grid, but I can't, so I do LOL!

    1. This was really good practice - I've just looked at yours and it's great - I may try it with a grid, especially a curvy one. Thanks. Axxx

  2. Great tile Annie, I like that you made quandary in so many different styles. I love the ones with the sparkles.

    1. Thank you Didisch - I always take the Diva at her word and she said 'practice' - which is why there are so many little practices! The sparkle ones are what I like best too. Axxx

  3. I think I'm going to try it with a grid... I love the way they turn out when they are even, but mine never turn out that way. Your's is just gorgeous!

    1. Thank you for such a lovely comment on my Quandary, Kelly. I do like it to have an 'evenness' but I think a freehand version is best - but it's great to have the option!! Try it - I'm going to.

  4. Wow, this tile is so very beautiful. The sparkled one is gorgeous, your are so good with this difficult tangle.

    1. That's very kind, Annemarie....I think I still need a lot of practice but it's really helpful doing the challenge as lots of people have shared their stepouts. I am going to try and do another one. Axxx

  5. Love how your little Quandaries keep morphing into different styles. Linda x

    1. My little quandaries were very busy, Linda! Couldn't keep them under control...Axxx

  6. Gorgeous! I love the drop shadows!

    (Of course they are roll necks! A salamander can't wear a turtle neck. It's goes against nature!) :-)

    1. Thank you Molly Bee!! And you have made me laugh - I agree absolutely about the salamander and the turtle neck...how COULD they? Axxx

  7. Very lovely tiles. I also tried different kinds of quandary. You did a really great job with both of them.

    1. You are very kind - thanks for this lovely comment. Axxx

  8. I think you did a great job. Like the different variations that you tried.

    1. Thank you Donald - another incredibly versatile tangle that's great fun to do. Axxx

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Annemarie - I am happier with the second one and felt the practice in the first one was starting to pay off... Axxx

  10. Both are wonderful! I like the way you varied Quandary ... wonderful job! Especially I like your Quandary with the sparkles!

    1. Thank you LonettA - as always, I've learned such a lot through the challenge..and from others too. I think the sparkles might have worked better if I'd put them across the short space, rather than the long one...will have to try that. Axxx

  11. I really like both of your entries!! I think they are beautiful!!
    Thank you! ~ Diane Clancy


  12. Both of these are wonderful, Annie. I like all the different variations you have done with the same basic shape. Great job!

    1. Very nice to meet you Gloria and thanks for such a lovely and encouraging comment. Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax