Monday 25 November 2013

Diva Challenge #146

Oh and what a challenge this week from Laura on I am the Diva!

I really struggled with both Pea-nuckle and Well....I found them too unwieldy somehow. I really didn't know what to do with either of them!

Ah well, (no pun intended) at least I managed a 'go'. Here are two I tried...warts and all!

I don't think I'll do either of them ever again!


  1. You made me laugh, Annie! Don't say "never". I have found that sometimes, if you can stand to mess with them, I can find a way to do a tangle different from the step-outs given and then I love them. Your tiles turned out well (pun intended) and very nice!

    1. You might not have laughed if you'd heard the more colourful version of 'never', Jean! It wasn't very polite and certainly not Zen..
      Actually this morning, my tiles don't look as bad as yesterday - maybe the clever thing, the intelligent thing, would be to give it another go...just one? Thank you! Axxx

  2. my favorite is your second tile. I'm passing this week, don't have the energy to make these two work. I admire your work

  3. You are very kind, Cobi - and I am full of admiration for your wonderful and varied work too! Thanks for commenting. Axx

  4. As 007 says never say never again..... I love your second tile. Well is beautiful, especialy the variation in the upper left corner. That one is just awesome. So please please don't stop tangling well.

    1. That's most encouraging of you, Didisch..I'll try it again, I promise! And thank you so much. Axxx

  5. I think you really got the hang of the two tangles on your second tile, your shading looks great too!

    1. Thanks Jenna - I just felt I was being far to 'rigid' with them but didn't know how to loosen them up properly. I'll keep trying as Well is obviously very ...deep! Axxx

  6. Both are wonderful!! I like the second one! So beautiful varaitions of Well! Very nicely done! I agree to Didisch, neyer say never!

    1. Thanks Lonetta, I will withdraw the never....I might just try again having seen some lovely examples in other people's work. Axxx

  7. Hey, we all are there at some point or another! I am not a fan of pea-nuckle either. I just can't seem to get it to flow, but you certainly did on your second tile and quite masterfully too!

    1. Thank you Kate! I think I can 'do' the tangles but not all of them inspire me to be creative with them - this pair together had that effect but I think it's such a good idea to keep working through them. I will try it again.... Axxx

  8. You did quite 'well' with this difficut challenge.

    1. Thanks Anne....just not as 'well' as I'd hoped! Axxx

  9. I also admire your second for its looseness. I, too, struggle not to be so rigid with some of the challenges. Nice job!

    1. Thanks Dayna .I'd love to be clever enough to 'merge' them or show Well evolving in Escher style - that's what it makes me think of but I just don't know how to do it! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax