Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Zendala Dare - Emergency Zendala 3

Poor Erin over at The Bright Owl has a lot on this week and hasn't been able to supply her addicts with a new Zendala to complete. However, luckily for me, new addict that I am, she had an emergency supply!! How brilliant is that?

I chose number three which was quite unusual - for some reason, I'm not able to show you how it looked before I put my pen to it but if you follow this link, you'll see it along with a great set of instructions for Solow and a rather delicious-looking recipe!

Anyway, I struggled with it dreadfully. I realise that last week's attempt was beginner's luck - I did all three templates without even thinking and enjoyed each one immensely.

This was difficult! I don't know why, it just was. I'm sharing my only showable attempt anyway. Why was it difficult? Has anyone else tried it? Advice from you experienced tanglers, please!

To be honest, I find it really creepy....Is there something strange going on in my subconscious?


  1. It does look a bit creepy, almost like the face of a Dr Who monster......but incredibly impressive. Jx

    1. I think if I'd left out those two side 'eyes' it might just have been OK, is horribly creepy once you see it that way. I can't bear to look at it! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax