Monday 20 January 2014

Zendala Dare #88

I now know why I always look so fat on my blog's the screen! When Erin released her latest template, I had no printer ink and so couldn't print out the template. Unable to wait for my husband to return from town with more ink, I traced the template directly from my computer screen. And this is what it looked like:

Now if that's not distorted, I don't know what is!  Yippee - pass me another piece of pie!!

Anyway, before I could make a start, my husband was back and the ink was in the printer - so I did my usual. I printed all three copies out and made a start on the first and smallest one, using any patterns that popped into my head.

Betweed, Paradox, Diva Dance, Huggins with Hypnotic, Crescent Moons,
Hollibaugh and Tipple. It was great fun!!
Then I began the next one and my only thought was to try and make it different from the first. And to use a pattern I hadn't used before. And it's so little known to me that I've had to just go and check the name - Aura-Leah. I LOVE it!!! And ended up doing a monotangle - which is also a first for me. I'm pleased with how it's turned out and can also say it looks very different from the first one.

Just Aura-Leah in this dare.

Thank you Erin - off now to The Bright Owl to check out what everyone else has been doing with the Dare. Thanks for popping by - do say 'hi' in the comments box.


  1. Oh Annie, you made me laugh with your intro! I love your interpretations of the dare, but that monotangle is fabulous!

    1. Any excuse, Brenda!
      So glad you like my monotangle - I really enjoyed the process too! Axxx

  2. Great tiles, both of them; but I LOVE the second one! It's really beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, Audrie. It's a lovely tangle to do and actually, doesn't need anything else here. Axxx

  3. wow.. Love Aura-leah!! somehow I feel like it is looking back at me! LOL Very nice!

    1. Thank you Karen. They do look a bit like eyes, albeit sleepy ones! They make me want to take a nap...Axxx

  4. Both are pretty, but the second one is awesome. It's like flames coming out.

    1. Many thanks, Annemarie - I loved doing the Aura-Leah tangle. Axxx

  5. Beautiful! Aura-Leah is awesome!

    1. Thank you Ilse - nice to meet you! I really enjoyed the Aura-Leah and will use it again - soon! Axxx

  6. I like how you used mirror images on the first one and I think the Aura-Leah is a really pretty tangle. I must go try it....Right NOW :)

    1. Thank you Jean, good to hear from you - I'm sure you'll love Aura-Leah.Axxx

  7. Love the monotangle! Isn't it great when you use a new tangle and get such great results?

    1. Isn't it just, Alecia! Thanks for popping by and leaving me a comment. Axxx

  8. Such persistence!. I like the variety of tangles in the first, but the Aura-leah. is really great. The shading gives a great dimension to this Zendala.

  9. Very persistent, I am....I really did enjoy the Aura-Leah one and am pleased with the results. I think partly because I enjoy the shading part. Axxx

  10. Wow, The Aura Leah is very cool looking! Very sensual! Nice work!

    1. Thank you Jane - I like that description! Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax