Thursday 9 January 2014

Zendala Dare #86 (not 89!)

I've been getting a bit behind with some of the challenges and dares that I find so very inspiring as a newbie to Zentangle. So I have made sure to get in quickly and positively with those for the New Year - not a resolution, mind, as resolutions soon feel like obligations. No, taking part in these weekly challenges is a huge joy and source of inspiration and anticipation...I really love it!

I'm always excited to see the new Dare from Erin at 'The Bright Owl'  and love the links to everyone's contributions on Mister Linky! It's an excellent widget...

I am usually a 'cup half-full' sort of person but I have had such moments of sadness over the Christmas break due to the death of my dog, Darwin, and I'm really having to take stock and accept that he's gone and won't come back, ever. We had a few tears as the children left for school yesterday morning and he wasn't there watching them go...or waiting when they came back but we are now able to talk about giving a home to another (as yet, unwanted) pup as Darwin was a few years ago. And we will do soon.

In the meantime, I know I have such a lot to be grateful for - not least being a mum, according to my daughter!! She's absolutely right. I have put just four words into the centre of my Zendala this week - Love, Health, Family, Home - but the list goes on, of course. The tangles around the words contain all my gratitude for having found Zentangle. My four first ever tangles make the corner parts, with a selection of my favourites after that. These include:

Betweed; Mooka; Clams and Cockles, Paradox; Tipple; Bales; Florz; Huggins; Cuboid; Myst; Raindotty; Aah; Diva; Crescent Moons; Hollibaugh; Verdigogh; Heartstrings. All nailed down!

So yes, very grateful.

***And very grateful to Annemarie over on Anne's Tangle Blog for pointing out to me yet again, that I posted a loopy link on Erin's Mister Linky that didn't bring you here, but just went back to Erin....oh dear, must concentrate!


  1. I can see this one done on transparent paper.....not completely clear, but like tracing paper.....and block framed, with some distance between the design and the back of the frame, with some serious though going into the backing paper, which would show through.
    I am glad that some positive thoughts....encouraged by the beautiful Romy, are helping you through. Jxxxxx

    1. You do have some excellent ideas - especially cool ones for framing pictures, Janice! I do see what you mean...
      There are lots and lots of very positive thoughts and feelings - most of the time, but those little sad moments still pop through. Romy is an absolute treasure. Axxx

  2. Like the different tangles that you used. The Mooka is really great.

    1. Thank you Donald. I used a lot of tangles but still can't always remember their names! Mooka is definitely one of my favourites, so I've practised it a lot! Axxx

  3. Your zendala is gorgeous and I like the tangles you have chosen. I also like a few of them are coming out a bit, that makes it more playful.

    1. This was the smallest of the Zendala templates, Annemarie - usually I do another one too but I felt this one said what I wanted to say and I am pleased with it - and delighted that you like it too! Thank you. Axxx


I read everyone's comments and am delighted that you took the time to share your views. Thank you! Ax